P a r a d i s a  M a r i a n n a  b e i n g  b u i l t    page 1

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Looking south before the house was started.  Might be an old chicken house in the background.  The pool is now in the foreground.


Another shot of the vacant land
Soaking the house framing poles to make them bend more easily
Floor framing using logs salvaged from a log cabin.
Each pole "truss" was framed and then set into place with truck and Comealong.
More trusses being placed
The trusses are in place now with purlins getting the trusses "in line"
1 x 6 cross framing was applied over the pole trusses to add strength and a more even surface
Pole trusses and 1 x 6.  South side of house
Where the peeks meet
Marianne applying the plywood sheeting.
John secures a peak while the station wagon provides electrical power

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